Nautica05-WordPress theme released

I’ve released the nautica05-wordpress theme, a template based on the open source Nautica05 design posted at the Open Source Templates site by Studio7Designs. I used the Nautica05 template in turning this Cebu blog into a webzine, which I discussed in my previous blog post.

Nautica05-wordpress is a template for blog sites. I will be releasing later a hacked version of the template for use in webzines managed by WordPress. Nautica05-wordpress uses a two column layout by default but you can easily change this to three-columns by following the instructions in the nautica05-wordpress page.

You can preview the theme at my WordPress sandbox. I’ve added the PSD file I used for the header image.

Here’s a screenshot of the theme:

nautica05-wordpress theme

You can download the theme in this site. It’s on a account. To download, just click on the arrow after nautica05-wordpress then choose zip folder. Extract the files and upload these to your wp-content/themes directory.

Please add questions, comments and suggestions on the theme in this blog post.

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18 responses

  1. Woot! It’s finally out, will play around with and see what happens. Been scouring the web for a new theme for some time now. Tons of thanks! πŸ™‚

  2. Hi!

    I’m looking for the webzine-type implementation of this theme and just can’t find. You said “check my themes pages”. Whats the url for it?

    If you could send me just the index.php file i would be really glad. Thanks!

  3. Bruno,
    Sorry for the delay, I’ve been having problems with the versioning of the files (I work on different PCs and I could no longer track the latest version of the public theme—I customized it for two webzines). I will post it today, if for some reason or another I encounter problems, I’ll send you the index.php file.

  4. Hello Max,

    This theme is featured in WordPress news! Congrats and more power! The next step is applying for 9rules! ;):P

  5. Hi, please… send me the index.php for a webzine. This implementation looks perfect for me.


  6. This appears to be a great them. Thank you so much for releasing it.

  7. Congrats! It’s on WP news

  8. Hi Max!
    are the rest of the templates (wp-news and wp newsportal) for download, as well?

  9. I am using your version of the nautica theme on a website I’m putting together and I noticed that there was a small problem with IE7. It would put the footer a few lines too high and on the comments section the footer would cover up the submit comment button. After comparing the files from opensourcetemplates and yours, I noticed that “” was not in the footer.php file. After putting it in there, the problem with IE7 went away. I noticed the same problem with the Cebu Living site. I hope this helps anyone else that runs into this. Thanks for the great template!

  10. Hi chris,
    Thanks for the alert. Unfortunately, your code snippet was eaten by wordpress. Can you enter it again? Please enclose it in tags so the codes can be preserved. If you want, you can also e-mail it to me at maxlimag at gmail dot com.

  11. Sorry about that, let me try again πŸ™‚

    The code should be

    It was between the page end comment and the /div above the content end comment in the footer.php

  12. Hello,
    would you send me the index.php file for making a webzine out of wordpress and the nautica05 template? Thank you!

  13. good work, thanx

  14. Is the site down? I’ve been trying to grab this template forever and keeps coming up with a 404…is there anywhere else I can get this?

  15. ewd,
    Can you check the link again? I just tested it and it’s ok. Once you get a listing of the files, just click on Download Folder to download a zip file of the theme. Thanks.

  16. Hi.

    This looks like a perfect find for what I want, but I just don’t “get” it. I’m relatively new to WP – like the simplicity, frustrated by limits. It tells me the sidebar will not work. Nor can I determine where to set the categories. I don’t expect a lesson, but could someone point me towards something to which i can refer? thanks.

  17. Help!
    I’m experimenting two problems with Losemymind with sidebar 1.0 theme: entry is wrong, appear 2007 instead 2008
    2.tags under the post are not displayed, there is only a gray bar without any tags…

    Can anyone help me?
    I don’t know php…
    Thanks, Vic

  18. Nice theme, and thanks for the PSD file! is very useful to modify with PhotoShop πŸ™‚

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