Breaking news: Globe to sell iPhone in the Philippines

Globe will start selling the iPhone in the Philippines later this year. A source with the company said the units will likely be marketed by end of September or early October.

Globe, SingTel, Bharti Airtel and Optus have signed an agreement with Apple to bring the iPhone to the Philippines, Singapore, India and Australia, according to a brief statement released by the company.

There aren’t details yet on how the units will be marketed.
But costumers will likely have to sign up to a monthly plan that will lock them into Globe for a year or two.

With all the hype that surrounds the iPhone, the agreement with Apple is a marketing coup for Globe.

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6 responses

  1. Surprising that Globe was chosen over Smart seeing as Globe has some of the worst coverage and most outrageous plans in the Philippines:p Guess Apple has to start somewhere and then learn from their mistakes, I guess:p

  2. If by that time Apple will release a 3G iPhone, then I think I’ll start considering it. But if it’ll still bring out the original version, then I’ll just wait for version 2 whenever that may be. This June, a Mac Developers Conference will be held in San Francisco and hopefully Mr Jobs will announce a new iPhone.

  3. Why spend so much when there are already Chinese rip offs on the market.

    And do you really need all the functions or just want it to show off until a newer gadget phone comes to the market.

  4. why cant Apple just sell their stuff in the i-stores! people will pay for it anyway. duhhrr!

    i wish SE will launch a model to counterpart that one. .

  5. installment iphone in philippines?

  6. Col. Razak Avatar
    Col. Razak

    just release the i phones anyway…philippines is always behind in other countries…that’s no big deal to announce that crappy iphone..they have much more powerful gadgets now than iphones we have talked in here..blow me!

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