President Arroyo admits she called Comelec official, says sorry

President Arroyo is currently speaking over national TV. She admits she called an election officer. She admits it was a lapse in judgement. She apologizes to the people and promises to work harder to earn the public’s trust.

The Sun.Star Network Exchange (Sunnex) team has put up an Arroyo Watch blog. To access the blog, click here.

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3 responses

  1. Congratulations to Sun Star on this new media blog. Hope it doesn’t end up getting hacked as well. ;-p

  2. An outsider’s view:

    GMA is a better president than those seeking to replace her.

    The Philippines needs to have stability so that businesses will invest more money in the country. If Joseph Estrada or other former Marcos’ cronies get into power, it will mean a loss of economic development. International investors abhor corruption, and those who were Marcos’ friends are tainted.

    Deliberate Chaos

  3. Thanks Alex, I hope so too 😉

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