The great thing about open source is that you can build on what others have done. In my quest to port an open source web design into a WordPress theme, I’ve used bits and pieces of WordPress theme code that have served me well in previous designs.
I am posting these pieces of code here so that this post will serve as the repository in case I need to customize another theme. Please feel free to suggest additional code bits so that I can add it here. Just post it in the comment field and enclose it in code tags.
SEO friendly title
I got this from K2, what this does is place the title of your post before your blog name. The conditional tags take out the at, which connects the post title to your blog name when you�re, for example, in the home page. You don�t want your home page title to start with at.
Here’s another implementation as posted in the Dech blog.
Make header image clickable
This is a tip I got from K2 to make the header image clickable. Replace the starting div tag for the header with this:
Optimal ad display
This will place your ad block inside your first blog post. AdSense’s heatmap shows the area within the content to be an optimal area for the display of ads. I found this solution in the WordPress forum.
before the line:
Then insert this into the part where you want the ad to appear.
I usually insert it below the blog post headline and before the template tag that calls the blog post (the_content).
Better more link
Some templates still use just More to link to the full article. To replace this with Continue reading “title of the blog post.”
Replace the_content with
Social bookmarking of posts
This will add links for the bookmarking of your posts in, Spurl and Furl as well as track incoming links from Technorati. The Sociable WordPress plugin automates this but I prefer doing it using template tags. I should update the link because I spotted one site that will allow you to submit to all these social bookmarking services.
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Max is a journalist and blogger based in Cebu. He has written and edited for such publications as The Freeman, The Independent Post, Today, Sun.Star Cebu, Cebu Daily News, Philstar Life, Esquire Philippines, and Rappler. Max is an Aries Rufo Journalism Fellow for 2024.
He is also a mobile app and web developer and co-founded InnoPub Media.
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