WP-Brighthouse is the WordPress port of the Brighthouse theme for typo. The theme is XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid. For a demo of the theme, click here. For comments and suggestions on the theme, read the blog post on the theme here.
Among the features of the theme are:
1. Page titles are search engine optimized.
2. Works out of the box with the FAlbum plugin, which integrates your Flickr photos into your blog.
3. Archive page works with Extended Live Archives and Ultimate Tags Warrior. If you have these plugins, just replace archives.php with the archives-elaUTW.php.
4. Google ad section targeting to emphasize blog posts in the matching of ads.
5. Comments and trackbacks are separated
6. Social bookmarking links after the post for del.icio.us, Yahoo MyWeb, Spurl and Furl. I’ll be changing this part, though, to add links to other popular social bookmarking sites.
Edit author.gif in you favorite graphics editor if you want to place your photo in the sidebar. If you want to display a banner ad, just enclose your banner ad code in these tags
and place it at the end of header.php.
The current version is WP-Brighthouse 1.0. I’m hosting it in my Box.net account. To download the theme, click here. Click on the arrow beside the brighthouse-wp heading then choose zip folder.